Catalogue was co-founded in 2016 by Thomas Pépin and for­mer part­ner Louis-­Marc Le­fe­bvre. Since our esta­blish­ment, we have wor­ked with brands and de­signers such as SSENSE, JW Anderson, Converse, Hilton and Marriott, as well as some of the best res­tau­rants in the city in­clu­ding Club Chasse et Pêche, Le Filet and Monarque.

In the age of A.I. and algo­rithms, we be­lieve in having real humans be­hind our cu­ra­tion pro­cess, to pro­vide sonic expe­riences that are tai­lored to the client’s needs, and are ali­gned with their brand. Music as a me­dium has the power to evo­ke strong emo­tions. We be­lieve audio design should be an in­tri­cate com­po­nent of the retail stra­te­gy and the guest experience.

Operating at the inter­sec­tion of art and com­merce, we have deep ties to the music world while being pro­fi­cient in mar­ke­ting, retail stra­te­gy and hos­pi­ta­lity management.

Thomas Pépin

Thomas Pépin was born in Montreal in a house fil­led with music – his mother, a clas­si­cally-trained gui­ta­rist, and his father, a Bra­zi­lian music afi­cio­nado and singer-guitar player in a local band.

Growing up in the 90s, he spent many hours sour­cing music from re­cords, CDs, VHS tapes and radio shows to create the ul­ti­ma­te cas­set­te mix­tapes – a way for him to pro­cess and ex­press his emo­tions as a teenager.

By the mid 2000s, he ran a music blog called The Sweet Fix and DJ’d re­gu­lar­ly at bars and clubs around Mont­real, sha­ring his mu­si­cal taste with a growing au­dience. In the early 2010s, Thomas then spent two years in Ber­lin wor­king in music and design. This time would have a po­wer­ful and las­ting impact on his crea­tive process.

Back in Montreal, as requests for per­so­na­lized sound­tracks for friends’ busi­nesses grew, Thomas and Louis-­Marc de­ci­ded to for­ma­lize this new ven­ture into Catalogue in 2016. Today, he works full-time on crea­ting and sus­tai­ning music sound­tracks for va­rious clients, as well as over­seeing the growth and de­ve­lop­ment of Catalogue. In his spare time, he con­tinues to cu­rate and share mix­tapes with friends and loved ones.