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Custom Playlists for the Commercial Space

Music Playlists for Hotels & Resorts
In the past de­cade, the rise of bou­tique and life­style ho­tels has shif­ted the fo­cus on supe­rior guest expe­rience, ra­ther than sim­ply the pro­duct or ser­vice, and travel­lers’ expec­ta­tions have qui­ckly followed.

Today’s guests are ever­more deman­ding when it comes to eve­ry de­tail of their stay, from de­sign and aesthe­tics, to tech and enter­tain­ment, and yes, to the mu­sic pla­yed in the dif­fe­rent areas of the ho­tel: lob­by, res­tau­rant, bar, re­tail space, spa, etc.

78% of mil­len­nials would choose to spend mo­ney on expe­riences in­stead of ma­te­rial items.

Today, ho­te­liers are com­pe­ting with Airbnb and other al­ter­na­tive lod­ging in at­trac­ting the elu­sive Mil­len­nial. Music has been shown to be one of the things that 18-34 year olds va­lue the most and the hospi­ta­lity in­dus­try has a lot to gain from e­mbra­cing mu­sic as a core com­po­nent of their in­te­rior and mar­ke­ting stra­te­gies. The sounds and mus­ic pre­sen­ted wi­thin your envi­ron­ment have been pro­ven to have a huge im­pact on guest enga­ge­ment and sa­tis­fac­tion, making audio design a cri­ti­cal ele­ment in the crea­tion of wel­coming spaces.

Don’t let mu­sic in your hotel be an after­thought. Music works hand-in-hand with de­sign in crea­ting a me­mo­ra­ble guest experience.