Trusted by SSENSE, JW Anderson & Want Apothecary.

Music Playlists for Retail
Curating store atmo­sphe­rics is a mul­ti-sen­so­ry exer­cise. Inte­rior de­sign, pro­duct mer­chan­di­zing, scent, and mu­sic must be care­ful­ly con­si­dered in crea­ting an en­ga­ging shop­ping experience.

So why are sounds and mu­sic so of­ten overlooked?

Your senses col­la­bo­rate to cre­ate a uni­fied im­pres­sion of your expe­ri­ence. People tend to think of sight first, but when it comes to desi­gning for the senses, we res­pond just as strong­ly to sound. In fact, sound reaches the mind first, much qui­cker than touch or vision.

Don’t let music be an after­thought. Music is one of the most use­ful com­po­nents in an effi­cient re­tail strategy.